Indonesian Journal of Earth Sciences
Indonesian Journal of Earth Sciences is an open-access journal that publishes rigorously peer-reviewed research dedicated to our planet. Understanding the Earth's history and its future evolution is becoming ever more important as the human influence on climate and landscapes, the oceans and the atmosphere expands. The journal's content reflects all the disciplines within the earth sciences, encompassing fieldwork, modelling and theoretical studies. InJoES is committed to publishing significant, high-quality research in the Earth Sciences through a fair, rapid and rigorous peer-review process that is overseen by a team of professional editors.
Indexed in: DOAJ, Google Scholar, SINTA, Crossref, Dimensions, Garuda
Journal of Digital Learning and Education
Journal of Digital Learning and Education (JDLE) aims to provide a forum for researchers, educators, teachers, trainer and other practitioners to present their latest research papers, case studies, reviews, and short communications in the field of Digital Learning and Education.
Indexing: DOAJ, SINTA, Google Scholar, Dimensions, Crossref, Garuda
BIOCHEPHY: Journal of Science Education
BIOCHEPHY: Journal of Science Education is an open-access journal published by the MO.RI Publishing. This journal aims to provide a forum for researchers, educators, teachers, trainer, and other practitioners to present their latest research papers on the results of the study and review of the literature in the sphere of Natural Science Education, Biology Education, Chemistry Education, and Physics Education in primary, secondary, and higher education.
Journal of Laguna Geography
Journal of Laguna Geography (Joulage) adalah sebuah jurnal blind peer-review yang didedikasikan untuk publikasi hasil penelitian yang berkualitas pada bidang ilmu Geografi, Pendidikan Geografi, dan ilmu-ilmu yang berkaitan dengan geografi bagi peneliti, ahli, dan akademisi di Indonesia. Publikasi pada Journal of Laguna Geography (Joulage) bersifat akses terbuka dan dapat diakses bebas secara online.
Fair Play: Indonesian Journal of Sport
Fair Play: Indonesian Journal of Sport is national scientific journals that are open to seeking innovation, creativity, and novelty. Fair Play: Indonesian Journal of Sport is a peer-review journal published by the MO.RI Publishing. The aim of the journal is to facilitate scientific publication of the results of researches in Indonesia and participate to boost the quality and quantity of research for academics and researchers. Starting in 2021 the frequency of publication becomes 6 monthly, which is published in June and December by publishing research results and critical analysis studies in the field of Sport Education, Sports Coaching, Sport Tourism, Sports Psychology, Sports Science, Sports Biomechanics, Sports History, and Traditional Sports.