Analisis Strategi Pengembangan Kawasan Wisata Mangrove Desa Denai Kuala
The importance of mangrove forests as coastal plant communities that have a significant economic and environmental role. The mangrove ecosystem is not only a resource and environmental protection, but also has important ecological functions such as providing nutrition for aquatic biota, maintaining water quality, habitat for flora and fauna, and a natural filter to prevent seawater intrusion. This research aims to provide a better understanding of how marketing strategies can be implemented effectively to increase the promotion and sustainability of mangrove ecotourism in the region. The research method used in this study is qualitative. The findings from this research indicate that the marketing strategy for mangrove ecotourism in Denai Kuala Village is still relatively traditional and needs to be improved to increase the number of tourist visits. The implication of this research is the need to develop more innovative and effective marketing strategies, such as increasing promotions via social media, arranging tour packages that offer direct experience in mangrove conservation activities, and collaborating with local businesses to provide environmentally friendly products and services. In this way, it is hoped that it can increase tourist interest, local income, and awareness of the importance of mangrove conservation in Denai Kuala Village.